Magic and Intellectual History – York CREMS (Updated)

Thursday 5th March 2015, Treehouse, Humanities Research Centre, University of York, 9.30-5.30

Keynote Speaker: Stephen Clucas (Birkbeck)

Open to all – entrance free and no registration required

10.00-11.30 - Natural Magic
Rinotas Athanasios (Athens), Compatibility between Philosophy and Magic in the Work of Albertus Magnus
Ovanes Akopyan (Warwick), From Marsilio Ficino to the Bible: Jacques Lefèvre d’Étaples and his circle on magic, prisca theologia and Aristotle
Allison Kavey (CUNY), Agrippa's Magical Cosmology

Coffee 11.30-12.00

12.00-1.00- Magicians? John Dee and Kenelm Digby
Todd Borlik (Huddersfield), Magic as Technological Dominion: John Dee and the Draining of the English Fens
Mark A. Waddell (Michigan State), Sympathy and Lies: Plausibility, Credibility, and the Weapon Salve in Early Modern England

Lunch, 1.00-2.00

2.00-3.00 - Reformation, Religion and Magic
Frank Klaassen (Saskatchewan) Magic and the English Reformation: A reconsideration
Francis Young (Ely) Liturgical Change and Ceremonial Magic in Reformation England

Coffee, 3.00-3.15

3.15-4.45 - Magicians: Napier(s)? Campanella?
Alex Corrigan (Edinburgh), Was John Napier of Merchiston a Magician?
Ofer Hadass (Haifa), "An Angell's Sight": Religion and Magic in Richard Napier’s Medical Practice
Jean-Paul De Lucca (University of Malta), Tommaso Campanella between Renaissance Magic and Modern Science

5.00: Keynote
Stephen Clucas (Birbeck, University of London), Magic and intellectual history: the problem of transgression

Details and directions at: