11th December 2014, Warburg Institute, Woburn Square, London WC1H 0AB
For further details and to register please visit the Warburg Institute website.
10.15 Registration opens
11.15 “Infinitely Material”? Francis Bacon and Ancient Wisdom
(Sam Galson, Princeton)
God or Nature, God and Nature: The Reception of Stoic Physics
(John Sellars, KCL)
12.30 Lunch
1.30 The Prehistory of Distraction: Unfelt Atoms from Lucretius to Locke
(Joe Moshenska, Cambridge)
Michel Serres’ Nonmodern Lucretius and the Time of Reception
(Brooke Holmes, Princeton)
2.45 Short Break
3.00 Purging the body and the soul. The ‘purgatio’ in the Sixteenth Century as a Treatment for Different Diseases
(Roberta Guibilini, Warburg Institute)
Sixteenth-century commentators of Aristotle’s De sensu on the relationship between medicine and natural philosophy
(Roberto Lo Presti, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
4.15 Tea break
4.45 The Material Subject of Ancient Experience
(Hamutal Minkowich, UCL)
Time for metaphysics? Reception after Bruno Latour
(Duncan F. Kennedy, Bristol)
6.00 Wine Reception
The conference is supported by Postclassicisms at Princeton (www.postclassicisms.org) and the Warburg Institute.
Organisers: Sam Galson and Guido Giglioni