September 8–9, 2014, Queen Mary University of London
Registration is now open for the conference of the international Leverhulme Network ‘Cartography between Europe and the Islamic World, 1100–1600’. The conference aims to promote comparative, cross-disciplinary scholarship on Islamic and European cartography by bringing together experts in these two fields.
Partners: Institut für den Nahen und Mittleren Osten (LMU Munich), École Pratique des Hautes Études (Paris), The Bodleian Library, Factum Arte,Warburg Institute, British Library.
Monday September 8
9.15-10.30 Welcome and Plenary
Emilie Savage-Smith (University of Oxford): Title tbc
Respondent: Jerry Brotton (Queen Mary) 10.30-11.00 Coffee
11.00-12.15 Session 1 Chair: Yossef Rapoport (Queen Mary)
Jean-Charles Ducène (Ècole pratique des hautes études): The Map entitled Geography
used by Ibn Sa‘îd (13th c.) and al-‘Umarî (d. 1348) as Source
Stoyanka Kenderova (Sts Cyril and Methodius National Library Bulgaria): The Balkan Peninsula Represented on Al-Idrisi’s Maps
12.15-1.00 Lunch
1.00-2.00 Session 2 Chair: Alfred Hiatt (Queen Mary)
Technology/Innovation in the History of Cartography (Pelagios, Factum Arte) 2.00-3.45 Session 3 Chair: Alessandro Scafi (Warburg Institute)
Ramon J. Pujades i Bataller (Archivo de la Corona de Aragón):
Stefan Schröder (University of Helsinki): Transcultural Knowledge and Latin- Christian Cartography in the First Half of the Fourteenth Century. Impact and Function of Arabic Elements in the World Map of Pietro Vesconte.
Robin Seignobos (Université Paris-I Panthéon-Sorbonne): The Nile in Arabic and Latin Cartography (14th Century): The “Idrisian” Model and their Latin Adaptations
3.45-4.15 Coffee
4.15-5.30 Session 4 Chair: Ingrid Baumgärtner (Universität Kassel)
Emmanuelle Vagnon (Laboratoire de médiévistique occidentale de Paris): The Islamic Sources of the Catalan Atlas (1375)
Piero Falchetta (Marciana National Library Venice): Influences of Islamic Geographic Knowledge in Fra' Mauro's World Map, ca. 1450
Arabic Roots of Hybrid Late Medieval mappae mundi: A Reconsideration of the On the Proposed

5.30 Reception
7.30 Conference Dinner (invited guests and conference speakers)
Tuesday September 9
9.00-10.15 Session 5 Chair: tbc
Elly Dekker (Independent Scholar): The Pair of Celestial Maps in MS Schoenberg LJS 057. A Case of Transmission from the Islamic World to Europe?
Ilana Wartenberg (University College London): Geographical Elements on the Medieval Hebrew Scientific Bookshelf
10.15-10.45 Coffee
10.45-12.30 Session 6 Chair: Peter Barber (British Library)
Pnina Arad (Hebrew University of Jerusalem): Maps of the Holy Land: Objects of Devotion
Zur Shalev (University of Haifa): Geography and Orientalism: The Cippi Hebraici of Johann Heinrich Hottinger (1659)
Joachim Gierlichs (Qatar National Library): From Claudius Ptolemaeus to Carl Ritter: Qatar and the Gulf in Early European Maps
12.30-1.30 Lunch
1.30-2.45 Session 7 Chair: Jerry Brotton (Queen Mary)
Zsolt Gyözö Török (Eötvös Loránd University): Opposite Views: Source, Audience and Cartographic Representation of the 1566 Siege of Sziget in Hungary
Marian Coman (Nicolae Iorga Romanian Academy): Turks and Sea Monsters in Renaissance Cartography
2.45-3.15 Coffee
3.15-4.30 Session 8 Chair: Tony Campbell
Jeremy Ledger (University of Michigan): Geographies of Conquest: A Maghrebi Chart of the Western Mediterranean, ca. 1350
Dimitris Loupis (Harvard University): Exploring the Exchange of Skill and Style in Mediterranean Nautical Cartography. Piri Reis’s Bahriye and its Sources.
4.30-5.30 Concluding Round Table: Comparative Approaches to the History of Cartography
Yossef Rapoport (Queen Mary), Alessandro Scafi (Warburg Institute), Hilde de Weerdt (Leiden)
To register, see
9.15-10.30 Welcome and Plenary
Emilie Savage-Smith (University of Oxford): Title tbc
Respondent: Jerry Brotton (Queen Mary) 10.30-11.00 Coffee
11.00-12.15 Session 1 Chair: Yossef Rapoport (Queen Mary)
Jean-Charles Ducène (Ècole pratique des hautes études): The Map entitled Geography
used by Ibn Sa‘îd (13th c.) and al-‘Umarî (d. 1348) as Source
Stoyanka Kenderova (Sts Cyril and Methodius National Library Bulgaria): The Balkan Peninsula Represented on Al-Idrisi’s Maps
12.15-1.00 Lunch
1.00-2.00 Session 2 Chair: Alfred Hiatt (Queen Mary)
Technology/Innovation in the History of Cartography (Pelagios, Factum Arte) 2.00-3.45 Session 3 Chair: Alessandro Scafi (Warburg Institute)
Ramon J. Pujades i Bataller (Archivo de la Corona de Aragón):
Stefan Schröder (University of Helsinki): Transcultural Knowledge and Latin- Christian Cartography in the First Half of the Fourteenth Century. Impact and Function of Arabic Elements in the World Map of Pietro Vesconte.
Robin Seignobos (Université Paris-I Panthéon-Sorbonne): The Nile in Arabic and Latin Cartography (14th Century): The “Idrisian” Model and their Latin Adaptations
3.45-4.15 Coffee
4.15-5.30 Session 4 Chair: Ingrid Baumgärtner (Universität Kassel)
Emmanuelle Vagnon (Laboratoire de médiévistique occidentale de Paris): The Islamic Sources of the Catalan Atlas (1375)
Piero Falchetta (Marciana National Library Venice): Influences of Islamic Geographic Knowledge in Fra' Mauro's World Map, ca. 1450
Arabic Roots of Hybrid Late Medieval mappae mundi: A Reconsideration of the On the Proposed
5.30 Reception
7.30 Conference Dinner (invited guests and conference speakers)
Tuesday September 9
9.00-10.15 Session 5 Chair: tbc
Elly Dekker (Independent Scholar): The Pair of Celestial Maps in MS Schoenberg LJS 057. A Case of Transmission from the Islamic World to Europe?
Ilana Wartenberg (University College London): Geographical Elements on the Medieval Hebrew Scientific Bookshelf
10.15-10.45 Coffee
10.45-12.30 Session 6 Chair: Peter Barber (British Library)
Pnina Arad (Hebrew University of Jerusalem): Maps of the Holy Land: Objects of Devotion
Zur Shalev (University of Haifa): Geography and Orientalism: The Cippi Hebraici of Johann Heinrich Hottinger (1659)
Joachim Gierlichs (Qatar National Library): From Claudius Ptolemaeus to Carl Ritter: Qatar and the Gulf in Early European Maps
12.30-1.30 Lunch
1.30-2.45 Session 7 Chair: Jerry Brotton (Queen Mary)
Zsolt Gyözö Török (Eötvös Loránd University): Opposite Views: Source, Audience and Cartographic Representation of the 1566 Siege of Sziget in Hungary
Marian Coman (Nicolae Iorga Romanian Academy): Turks and Sea Monsters in Renaissance Cartography
2.45-3.15 Coffee
3.15-4.30 Session 8 Chair: Tony Campbell
Jeremy Ledger (University of Michigan): Geographies of Conquest: A Maghrebi Chart of the Western Mediterranean, ca. 1350
Dimitris Loupis (Harvard University): Exploring the Exchange of Skill and Style in Mediterranean Nautical Cartography. Piri Reis’s Bahriye and its Sources.
4.30-5.30 Concluding Round Table: Comparative Approaches to the History of Cartography
Yossef Rapoport (Queen Mary), Alessandro Scafi (Warburg Institute), Hilde de Weerdt (Leiden)
To register, see