We invite proposals for papers (20 mins) on Jarman's adaptations of early modern texts and his deployment of historical figures and images in relation to: punk and the avant garde; national identity; politics and activism; sexuality/gender/desire; HIV/AIDS.
Keynote papers will be given by Jim Ellis (University of Calgary), Jeffrey Masten (Northwestern University) and Pascale Aebischer (University of Exeter). The conference includes admission to the “Pandemonium” exhibition in the Inigo Rooms (Somerset House East Wing), King's College London.
Expressions of interest should be sent to the organizers, Pascale Aebischer and Gordon McMullan, by 29 November 2013. Proposals from PhD students working in all appropriate fields (early modern studies, film studies, art history, etc.) are especially welcome.
The conference fee is £35 (waged) or £25 (unwaged).
Selected papers will be included in a special issue of Shakespeare Bulletin. Proposals of up to 300 words for 6000‐word essays should be sent to the special issue guest editor, Catherine Silverstone, by 8 November 2013.
For further information, see http://www.press.jhu.edu/journals/shakespeare_bulletin/calls.html. The conference is hosted by the London Shakespeare Centre and supported by Shakespeare Bulletin and the Centre for Early Modern Studies at the University of Exeter.