CALL FOR PAPERS: Printing Mathematics in the Early Modern World

Monday 16 December 2013
All Souls College, Oxford

The early modern period saw the printing, in large numbers, of mathematical tables, primers, textbooks and practical manuals, as well as the incorporation of mathematical notation into a wide range of works
on other subjects. Algebraic notation, diagrams and even printed mathematical instruments all raised unusual problems for print. The development of appropriate layouts and conventions, the establishment of workable print-shop procedures, and the detection and management of error all potentially required distinctive solutions where the printing of mathematics was concerned. Those problems and their solutions are the subject of this one-day workshop, to be held in All Souls College, Oxford.

Confirmed speakers:

Katherine Hunt, Birkbeck
Alexander Marr, Cambridge
Robin Rider, Wisconsin
Leo Rogers, Oxford
Benjamin Wardhaugh, Oxford

Proposals for papers are invited on, but not confined to, the following subject areas:
  • Print shop practice in relation to mathematical works 
  • Mathematical page layouts and their evolution 
  • The design and printing of mathematical diagrams 
  • Mathematical authorship and its display 
  • Error and accuracy in printed mathematics

Proposals for papers should include an abstract of no more than 250 words and a brief CV, and should be emailed to by 16 September 2013. The conference can contribute to travel costs for speakers.