The third Gascoigne Seminar will be held on Friday 23rd September 2011 at Lincoln College, Oxford. This year the programme includes a lute recital and a paper on Gascoigne and music, a session which should set Gascoigne firmly in context as a courtly poet-performer. The full line-up of speakers and topics is:
Prof Laurie Shannon (Northwestern University, Illinois), "The animal
poems in The Noble Arte of Venerie"
Prof Mike Pincombe (University of Newcastle), "Gascoigne and his
Dr Gavin Alexander (University of Cambridge), "Gascoigne and Music"
Dr Jane Griffiths (University of Bristol), "Gascoigne and Skelton"”
Chris Goodwin (Lute Society), "Gascoigne's 'Gascoigne's lute,
Gascoigne's sparrow and Gascoigne's goodnight"
Dr Andy Kesson (University of Kent), "Gascoigne's Supposes"
Prof William Kerwin (University of Missouri), "Gascoigne and Marston"
Dr Gillian Austen (University of Bristol), "Gascoigne's Literary
Reputation since 1603"
Michael Hetherington (University of Cambridge), "Gascoigne and
This small international conference is supported by the Society for
Renaissance Studies, who have made funding available to encourage
postgraduates' participation. Any postgraduates or early career
academics who would like to take up a funded place should email Gillian Austen as soon as possible.
The conference fee is just £35 (£30 to members of the SRS) and includes
an excellent lunch and refreshments throughout the day. The programme
will start at 9am (for registration) and the day will end at around
5pm. Spaces are very limited so please email as soon as possible to reserve your place.