Forum for European Philosophy: Inventing the Individual: The Origins of Western Liberalism

Wednesday 29 January, 6.30-8.00pm
New Theatre, East Building, LSE

Larry Siedentop, Emeritus Fellow, Keble College, University of Oxford

Chair: Simon Glendinning, Associate Professor of European Philosophy, European Institute, LSE and Director of the Forum for European Philosophy

Marking the publication of Larry Siedentop’s new book, Inventing the Individual: The Origins of Western Liberalism, this lecture will ask us to rethink the evolution of the ideas on which states in the West are built. There are large parts of the world – fundamentalist Islam; quasi-capitalist China – where other belief systems flourish. Faced with these challenges, understanding our own ideas' origins is more than ever an important part of knowing who we are.

Suggested hashtag for this event for Twitter users: #LSEliberalism

Podcasts of most FEP events are available online after the event. They can be accessed at

All events are free and open to all without registration
For further information contact Juliana Cardinale: 020 7955 7539

Forum for European Philosophy
Cowdray House, Room G.05, European Institute
London School of Economics, WC2A 2AE

Pre-Modern Towns Conference 2014: The Child in the City

Saturday, 25 January 2014
Institute of Historical Research,
Senate House, London WC1

We would like to invite you to the 36th annual meeting of historians, geographers, archaeologists and others working on the medieval and early modern town. The meeting will be held on Saturday 25 January 2014 in the Court Room (first floor), Senate House. Postgraduate students are as always particularly welcome.

10.30am Registration

11.00-12.00 pm Margaret Pelling, Oxford: John Graunt and the Health of Children in Mid-Seventeenth London

12.00-1.15 pm Catherine Rose, QMUL: Infancy in Urban Mamluk Society (1250-1517)
Adele Ryan, RHUL: Civic attitude to urban wardship: an appraisal of the practice of the Court of Orphans in later medieval London

1.15-2.15 pm LUNCH

2.15 – 3.15pm Caroline Withall (Oxford) 'Child workers in English port towns during the industrial revolution')
Rose McCormack, Aberystwyth: Locating children at the eighteenth-century spa: A case study of Bath and Tunbridge Wells.

3.30-4.30pm Martin Ingram , Oxford: Bridewell, Bawdy Courts and Bastardy in Early Seventeenth-Century London’.

There is a registration fee of £25 (£15 for registered students and the unwaged), to include lunch of sandwiches and fruit, and afternoon tea and biscuits. Wine will be on sale by the glass at lunch. It is essential to book in advance, by returning the slip below.

SLIPS AND CHEQUES (made out to Ian Archer) should be sent by 18 January 2014 to Dr Ian Archer, Keble College, Oxford, OX1 3PG. LATE REGISTRATIONS WELCOME

Ian Archer (Keble, Oxford), Caroline Barron (Royal Holloway, London), Jonathan Barry (Exeter), Peter Borsay (Aberystwyth), Vanessa Harding (Birkbeck, London), Christian Liddy (Durham), Julia Merritt (Nottingham), Roey Sweet (Leicester)



I shall/shall not be attending the Pre-Modern Towns Group Meeting on Saturday, 25 January 2014.
I enclose £25.00/ £15.00 (students) for registration and lunch (delete as appropriate).

Address in full________________________________________________________
E-mail address________________________________________________________
Postgraduate student/staff/other (please specify):

Main research interest:

University of Vienna, Funded Doctoral Places and Associate Places

University of Vienna,
Faculty of Historical and Cultural Studies, in cooperation with the Faculties of Life Sciences, Mathematics, Philosophy/Education and Physics

The Doctoral Program ("DK program") "The Sciences in Historical, Philosophical and Cultural Contexts" announces the award of
up to 7 fully paid doctoral student positions (Category a) and
up to 6 associate positions (Category b, for students with other basic support) for up to 4 years beginning 1 October 2014.

With the support of the Austrian Science Foundation (FWF), the University of Vienna offers a Ph.D. program, the aims of which are: to offer a structured interdisciplinary curriculum in History, Philosophy and Cultural Studies of Science with the collaboration of international visitors, and to make possible the joint supervision of dissertations by historians/philosophers of science and natural scientists/mathematicians.
Positions in the program are funded for up to 3 years; PhD students who complete 6 months stay abroad will be awarded a 4th year of support. Participation in the curriculum is required; members of the DK program (in Category a and Category b) must therefore reside continuously in Vienna. Participation once or more in the annual "Vienna International Summer University" in the first half of July is also part of the program.

Recipients of fully paid studentships (Collegiates, Category a) are employed according to the provisions of the FWF and the standard labor contract (Kollektivvertrag) of the University for
30 hours/week at the University of Vienna. Involvement in teaching is possible beginning in the second year of the program; remuneration for such activity will be additional to basic funding. Health and social insurance will be covered by the University. Tuition fee ex emption, additional support for students with children, and funding for research and research related travel expenses are included.
Associates of the program (Category b) are not employed by the University within the framework of the DK program, but may enter into other research-related employment - including employment by the University of Vienna. Associates must complete all curriculum requirements and also have the right to apply for funding for research or research related travel expenses.

Employment requirements: Completed advanced degree (Magister/Diplom/Master) in History, Philosophy, History of Science, History and Philosophy of Science, a relevant natural, social or cultural science or Mathematics. Applicants with one or more relevant BA/BSc degrees may be considered in exceptional cases.

Proposed research topics should be relevant to at least one of the topic areas of the DK program. Information on the program's aims, faculty, topic areas and possible dissertation topics can be found at the following web site:
For information about the "Vienna International Summer University," see the web site:
Projects in other topic areas are permissible, with appropriate explanation.

Application procedure:
An application for a studentship (Category a) or an associate position (Category b) in the DK program, "The Sciences in Historical, Philosophical and Cultural Contexts" must be supported by the following documentation in German or English:

* A cover letter stating the reasons for applying;
* Curriculum vitae;
* Documentation of previous studies and copies of all university degrees received;
* A brief exposé of the proposed dissertation project (maximum 5 pages) with bibliography (maximum one page), stating the relation of the proposed project to the research topic areas of the program (see web site) or the reasons for proposing a project outside the topic areas;
* Two letters of recommendation, one of which being preferably from the advisor of the latest degree thesis. These should be sent separately by the deadline date either by E-mail or by post to the Coordinator (address below).

Applications for paid studentships (Category a) and for Associate positions (Category b) must be submitted with the same supporting materials. Applicants for paid studentships (Category a) may be offered associate positions (Category b).
Deadline and Addresses for applications:Applications will be considered during April and May, and admissions announced by the end of June 2014. Short listed applicants will be invited to Vienna for a personal interview.
Applicants residing in Europe will receive reimbursement for travel to the interview; applicants residing outside Europe will be interviewed by telephone or video conference.
Study in the program will begin on 1 October 2014.

Applications are due by 17 March 2014, and may be addressed to the Job Center of the University of Vienna, Universitätsring 1, 1010 Vienna, Austria ( (key number 4638), or directly to the DK program, "The Sciences in Historical, Philosophical and Cultural Contexts" via Application by E-mail with attachments (MS Word or PDF format please) is preferred; applications by post should be sent via priority air mail (latest postmark: 17 March).

Contact for inquiries:
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Mitchell Ash: Tel.: +431 4277 40837 (Administrator: - 40871)
Prof. Dr. Gerd B. Müller: Tel. +431 4277 56700 (Administrator: - 56701)
Prof. Dr. Carola Sachse: Tel.: +431 4277 41207 (Administrator: - 41218)
Prof. Dr. Friedrich Stadler: Tel.: +431 4277 41209 (Administrator: - 41229)
Coordinator: Univ.-Doz. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Jérôme Segal: Tel.: +431 4277 40872

Dr. Jérôme SEGAL
Universität Wien / University of Vienna
Coordinator of the Ph.D. Program "The Sciences in Historical, Philosophical and Cultural Contexts"<>
1090 Wien, Maria-Theresien-Straße 3/27
T: +43-1-4277-408 72

The Casebooks Project: A Digital Edition of Simon Forman's and Richard Napier's Medical Records 1596-1634

The Casebooks Project website has been updated, including a short
animated film about the project. New features include an at-a-glance
guide to searching and a day with the astrologers.

Release 7 includes images to accompany our transcriptions of the first
six volumes of Napier's casebooks - MSS Ashmole 175 (1597), 182
(1597-8), 228 (1598-1600), 202 (1600), 404 (1601-2) and 221 (1602-3). An
archive of a further six volumes of images - MSS Ashmole 174 (various
dates), 181 (various dates), 204 (various dates), 239 (1610-11), 237
(1614-15), and 238 (1630) - has also been released, together with
calendar entries listing salient details of all the cases recorded in

Lauren Kassell will give the Gideon de Laune Lecture at the Worshipful
Society of Apothecaries of London on Tuesday, 28 January at 6 pm, under
the title 'And the doctor noted her words': Medical Casebooks in
Shakespeare's England. For further information and registration details

Visit for the latest updates
to the Casebooks Project: A Digital Edition of Simon Forman's and
Richard Napier's Medical Records
Dr Lauren Kassell
Department of History & Philosophy of Science University of Cambridge
Free School Lane Cambridge CB2 3RH
+44 1223 767173
Pembroke College
Cambridge CB2 1RF
+44 1223 330897

St Andrews Institute of Intellectual History: First Newsletter, and Lecture Series

January 2014

This is the first newsletter of the St Andrews Institute of Intellectual History

The Institute has been established to bring together a large number of researchers with interests in intellectual history across the schools of History, Classics, Divinity, English, International Relations, and Philosophical, Anthropological and Film Studies at the University of St Andrews, and to be a home for intellectual historians worldwide.

The Institute houses a number of research projects and scholarly resources for intellectual historians, including lectures, papers, podcasts and videos

MLitt in Intellectual History

We have just launched a new MLitt in Intellectual History
If you or your students would like to apply to the programme please contact:

We are delighted to announce that the late Istvan Hont’s papers and
books will find a permanent home at the Institute:

The papers of James Burns are currently being catalogued:

Many of Donald Winch’s unpublished papers can be downloaded:

The International Board of the Institute, chaired by Professor Roger Mason, has just been announced:

St Andrews Lectures in Intellectual History

Everyone is welcome

Professor John Robertson (Faculty of History and Clare College, Cambridge)
Will give the Inaugural Lecture of the Institute

Tuesday 28th January 2014, 17.00-18.30
School 1, St Salvator’s Quad, North Street, St Andrews
“Sociability between Natural law and Sacred History, 1650-1800″

Tuesday 4th February, 17.00-18.00
Professor Donald Winch (Sussex and St Andrews)
School 1, St Salvator’s Quad, North Street, St Andrews
“The Political Economy of Empire”

St Andrews Seminars in Intellectual History
Friday 28th February, 17.00-18.00
Dr Kris Grint (UCL)
Room 1.10, St Katharine’s Lodge, The Scores
“The foundations of James Mill's secular political thought”

St Andrews Institute of Intellectual History
Director: Professor Richard Whatmore
School of History
University of St Andrews
St Katharine’s Lodge
The Scores
St Andrews
Fife, KY16 9BA

Fellowships in the History of Science, Technology, Medicine, & Industry (Philadelphia)

Beckman Center for the History of Chemistry 2014–2015 
Fellowships in the History of Science, Technology, Medicine, & Industry

The Beckman Center for the History of Chemistry at the Chemical Heritage Foundation (CHF), an independent research library in Philadelphia, PA, invites applications for short-term and long-term fellowships in the history of science, medicine, technology, and industry.

Short-term fellows are particularly meant to use the collections, while long-term fellows' work must help to support the mission of the institution and fit with collections more generally. The research collections at CHF range chronologically from the fifteenth century to the present and include 6,000 rare books, significant archival holdings, thousands of images, and a large artifact and fine arts collection, supported by over 100,000 reference volumes and journals. Within the collections there are many areas of special strength, including: alchemy, mining & metallurgy, dyeing and bleaching, balneology, gunpowder and pyrotechnics, gas-lighting, books of secrets, inorganic and organic chemistry, biochemistry, food chemistry, and pharmaceuticals.

We support roughly 20 fellows each year, creating a vibrant international community of scholars whose work is in some way tied to the history of materials and materiality, chemistry, and all related sciences. Applications come from scholars in a wide range of disciplines across the humanities and social sciences. To see this year's list, go to:

Postdoctoral Fellowships (we encourage scholars with PhDs at all career levels to consider applying, including those looking for a place of residence during a sabbatical leave)
9 Months in Residence
open to PhD scholars • $45,000

Dissertation Fellowships
9 Months in Residence; open to graduate students at the dissertation stage • $26,000

Short-Term Fellowships
1–4 Months in Residence; open to all scholars and researchers • $3,000 per month

Application Deadline: February 15, 2014

For further information visit:

AHRC Funded Doctoral Studentships, University of Roehampton

AHRC Funded Doctoral Studentships in the Arts and Humanities: Department of English and Creative Writing, University of Roehampton

The Department of English and Creative Writing at the University of Roehampton is seeking exceptionally well-qualified candidates to apply for AHRC doctoral studentships, as part of the TECHNE consortium, led by Royal Holloway University of London.

We are particularly keen to hear from candidates interested in pursuing research in early modern literature, culture, drama, theatre or performance: applicants interested in any of these areas are strongly encouraged to contact the Department directly to discuss the application process and the potential research project.

The Department has a vigorous research culture and a supportive network of partner institutions, with expertise in the early modern period provided by Prof. Clare McManus, Dr. Andy Kesson and Dr. Jane Kingsley-Smith.

For more information, please see individual staff pages at
and for more details on the TECHNE application process, see

The deadline for applications is 19 February 2014.

Second Annual Postgraduate Renaissance Symposium: Music and the Visual Arts

Event to take place: Saturday 18 January 2014, The Courtauld Institute of Art, Somerset House, Strand, London WC2R 0RN

We are delighted to announce that our keynote address will be given by Professor Iain Fenlon (King’s College, Cambridge)

There was a strong relationship between music and the visual arts during the Renaissance. The function, meaning, audience and patronage of both strands of the arts were often extremely closely aligned. Music and the visual arts in the Renaissance paralleled one another in the creation (or dissolution) of national style, portrayed the same religious, mythological and secular sources in analogous institutional and private spaces, and drew inspiration from one another in engaging audiences of all types – sacred and secular, elite to illiterate.

The study (and experience) of music and art has occurred largely separately, however. Hence, the wariness of students of Renaissance art and music to explore the relationship between their own discipline and their close yet unfamiliar counterpart has resulted more in the appropriation rather than synthesis of diverse research skills. This symposium hopes to break down these historiographic boundaries and explore the numerous instances of interdisciplinarity that exist in Renaissance scholarship. We invite postgraduate and early career scholars of all disciplines to present instances of this relationship in their research, and to use this symposium as an opportunity for exploratory and open-minded discussion of aural and visual experience in Renaissance culture and historiography. We are particularly keen to encourage participants to consider ways of presenting interdisciplinary research in engaging and inventive ways.

Topics could include, but are not limited to:

  • joint musical and commissions
  • patronage
  • devotional function
  • the relationship of art and music to physical space
  • audiences / congregations
  • relationships between the senses and the arts
  • commemorative art and music
  • historiography (of interdisciplinary study)
  • mnemonics
  • curatorial, performative, and museological approaches to Renaissance culture
  • contemporary or modern relationships in hermeneutic interpretation

The Renaissance Symposium offers the opportunity for research students at all levels from universities in the UK and abroad to present their research and receive feedback in a friendly and constructive environment. We cannot offer travel subsidies for speakers, and therefore students from outside London are encouraged to apply to their institutions for funding to attend the symposium.

Please send proposals of no more than 250 words and your academic CV by 4 November 2013 to

Organised by Harriette Peel (The Courtauld Institute of Art), Matthew Laube (Royal Holloway), & Katie Bank (Royal Holloway)

CALL FOR PAPERS: Measure and Excess in 17th and 18th Century England and America

International conference hosted by SEAA XVII-XVIII
(Societie d'etudes Anglo-Americaines des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles)

Maison de la recherche de Paris 4
28, rue Serpente
75006 PARIS

17-18 January 2014

The idea of measure is inseparable from the idea of excess, since the one governs the other. Excess always exceeds a measure, that is to say a norm. According to Littre, excess is 'that which goes beyond ordinary limits, the mean.'

However, these terms are of course highly unstable; what is measure for some represents excess for others. The dialectics of measure and excess seems to be at the heart of preoccupations in the 17c and 18c in England as well as in the new world, whether concerning theoretical or practical issues.

Explorers set out to claim the world and make their fortunes, but also to measure its dimensions. Apart from the multiplication of instruments of measurement (charts, globes, and other maritime devices) the unit of measurement itself became a matter of state; one recalls that the queen confirmed the measurement of the English foot in 1588, which was reaffirmed in 1758. This desire to discipline the prodigality of nature characterizes the work of taxonomist John Ray, who classified innumerable animal and plant species by measuring them.

In politics, measure is to be understood as that which prevents or contains unrest. Largely influenced by ancient philosophy, early modern English philosophers regard[ed] measure as the touchstone of civil harmony as well as of personal wisdom, as opposed to the excesses of civil war and immoral behaviour. For Francis Bacon, the lesson to be drawn from the fall of Icarus in The Wisdom of the Ancients is that 'the path of virtue lies straight between excess on the one side, and defect on the other.'
The complex links which bond our ideas of measure and excess also inform theological debate, religious tension and sectarian persecution. To give one example, the Anglican faith, conceived by its founding fathers and lived out by its faithful as a middle way, finds itself rejected by the Puritans as excessively Catholic.

Whether in the arts or the humanities, measure and excess inform opposed aesthetic positions which only make sense through this very opposition. Cicero's rhetoric, featuring a measured style, rebukes two kinds of excess: the overblown Asiatic style on the one hand, and Attic dryness on the other. In architecture and music, measure—in a literal sense, as it creates spatial and temporal structures—can also run into excess. In verse, measure (that is to say, metre) contains the excesses of feeling, thus rendering them more striking; as John Donne reminds us ('For he tames grief, that fetters it in verse.') In painting, the term mensura may well refer to accurate proportions, but this does not stop many celebrated painters from evading constraint by invoking another system of proportions, more tolerant of excess. Baroque excess could only have arisen as a counter-movement to classical measure. Likewise, the lucidity so valued by English neo-classical writers (one thinks of John Dryden, and Alexander Pope who wrote: 'Between excess and famine lies a mean;/ Plain, but not sordid; though not splendid, clean' [Horace II, Satire 2]) was at least partly a reaction to the elaborate style from before the civil war, perceived as excessively obscure.

Papers will address the numerous links between measure and excess in the 17c and 18c in Britain and America, in the various fields of politics, theology, literature, architecture, painting, and music; but also in manners, where luxury lives alongside austerity; and not forgetting sciences such as geography, physics and astronomy.

Proposals, plus a selective bibliography and bio-bibliographical CV, may be simultaneously submitted to:

Guillaume COATALEN
Guyonne LEDUC

Deadline for abstract submission: 25 April 2013
Decision of the scientific committee: 30 June 2013

Centenary Lectures: Hugh Trevor-Roper 1914-2014

A series of papers and discussions to mark the centenary of his birth (on 15 January) and to appraise aspects of his thought and writing. The occasion is arranged by the Dacre Trust and will be held on

Saturday 11th January 2014 at Corpus Christi College, Oxford

Provisional Programme

  • Sir John Elliott, ‘Trevor-Roper and “The General Crisis of the Seventeenth Century”’
  • Blair Worden, ‘The Unpublished Book: The Puritan Revolution’
  • Mark Greengrass, ‘“Three Foreigners: The Philosophers of the Puritan Revolution”’


  • Peter N. Miller, ‘Trevor-Roper and the Erasmian Tradition’
  • Noel Malcolm, ‘Another Unpublished Book: “The Ecumenical Movement and the Church of England, 1598-1618”’


  • Richard Overy, ‘The Last Days of Hitler’
  • Sir Michael Howard, ‘Trevor-Roper and Wartime Intelligence’
  • Eberhard Jäckel, ‘Trevor-Roper and Hitler’
  • Gina Thomas, ‘Trevor-Roper and Himmler’s Masseur’


4.15 - 4.50 SESSION 4: THE PROSE

John Banville, ‘Trevor-Roper as Prose Stylist’


To celebrate the centenary, and to mark the publication of ONE HUNDRED LETTERS FROM HUGH TREVOR-ROPER, a selection of his letters to a variety of correspondents written between 1943 and 2001. The book is edited by Richard Davenport-Hines and Adam Sisman and will be published by Oxford University Press. All who have attended part or all of the conference will be welcome at the reception.


The papers and discussions are open to all, and those who come to them are welcome to do so for either all or part of the proceedings.  There is no charge for attendance or for lunch or refreshments, but those wishing to attend will need to give notice.. Space is limited and places will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis.(A final closing date in December for any remaining spaces will be announced nearer the time.)  Those wishing to attend should email Blair Worden, who will be happy to answer questions.

Please whether you will:

1. join the group for lunch
2. attend the reception
3. state which sessions you plan to attend

In the autumn of 2014 a series of Dacre Centenary Lectures will be held, in association with the Oxford History Faculty, in the Examination Schools, Oxford, on Fridays at 5 p.m., provisionally under the title ‘IDEAS AND SOCIETY c. 1600-1800’. 

The speakers will be Anthony Grafton, Michael Hunter, Jonathan Israel, Colin Kidd, Noel Malcolm, David Wormersley and Brian Young